Rizieq Shihab and his vigilante movement have spent decades calling for harsh Islamic rule. Now he’s back from self-imposed exile and promising a “moral revolution.”
Tag: Shariah (Islamic Law)
U.A.E. Changes Laws to Attract Foreign Tourists and Investment
The United Arab Emirates is abolishing lenient sentences for so-called honor killings, loosening alcohol restrictions and lessening the sway of Islamic law over foreigners.
A Radical Cleric Ignites an Islamist Resistance in Afghanistan
The cleric’s supporters in Herat are enforcing harsh Shariah law reminiscent of the Taliban’s. Women are alarmed, and the government has been able to do little.
Head of Auschwitz Memorial Seeks Easing of Nigerian Boy’s Prison Sentence
“I cannot remain indifferent,” the director wrote in a letter to Nigeria’s president about a 13-year-old who was sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment and menial labor on a blasphemy charge.
Sudan Will Scrap Alcohol and Apostasy Laws, and End Flogging
The moves are part of efforts to broaden personal freedoms during a delicate democratic transition.
A Daughter Is Beheaded, and Iran Asks if Women Have a Right to Safety
The so-called honor killing of a 14-year-old girl in Iran has shaken the country and forced an examination of its failure to protect women and children.
Indonesia’s President Halts Bill That Would Ban Sex Outside Marriage
Parliament had been expected to pass a sweeping overhaul of the penal code, much of which mirrored Shariah. President Joko Widodo said it needed “further study.”
What Do the Taliban Want in Afghanistan? A Lost Constitution Offers Clues.
Deep resistance to democracy and protections for minorities within the Taliban code will emerge as huge hurdles if the insurgents seek agreement with the Afghan government.
Brunei Says It Won’t Execute Gays After Protests of Stoning Law
Opponents say the shift leaves in place many other harsh provisions, meaning pressure continues to revoke the new penal code.
‘You Should Be in the Kitchen’: At Afghan Assembly, Women Are Told They Don’t Belong
Female delegates trying to speak on peace with the Taliban were told to sit down and shut up, raising fears that future governments will not protect their rights.