Goats in Wales; coyotes in San Francisco; rats, rats, everywhere: With much of the world staying home to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, animals have ventured out where normally the presence of people would keep them away.
Tag: Shutdowns (Institutional)
Restrictions Are Slowing Coronavirus Infections, New Data Suggest
A database of daily fever readings shows that the numbers declined as people disappeared indoors.
For Shut-In Pilgrims, the World’s Holiest Sites Are a Click Away
The pandemic has closed holy sites across the globe, but virtual reality is providing worshipers a digital window into ceremonies during touchstone holidays.
In the Coronavirus Fight in Scandinavia, Sweden Stands Apart
The country has drawn global attention with an unorthodox approach while its neighbors have imposed extensive restrictions.
Coronavirus in India: Modi Orders Total Lockdown of 21 Days
With four hours’ notice, India’s prime minister announced that no one could leave home for 21 days — the most severe step taken anywhere in the war against the coronavirus.
As Tourism Plummets in Thailand, Elephants Are Out of Work, Too
With the coronavirus pandemic keeping visitors away, elephant parks are closing, and the industry fears the animals could be forced back into illegal logging or begging on city streets.
When Coronavirus Closes Your Lab, Can Science Go On?
Plenty of work can be done from home, but the pandemic is forcing some parts of the scientific process to be put on the shelf.
Coronavirus Has Opened the Corporate Email Floodgates
The email deluge raises questions about marketing practices as nonessential businesses closed shops and storefronts amid the spread of the new coronavirus.
Africa Braces for Coronavirus, but Slowly
The virus has not yet hit most of the African continent hard, and neither has social distancing.
How Long Will the Coronavirus Outbreak and Shutdown Last?
Though President Trump mentioned July or August, the prevailing optimistic guess among experts for when the outbreak will abate hovers at about two months.