The uprisings of 2011 are inspiring a new generation to challenge entrenched, authoritarian leaders, raising hopes as well as doubts about the future.
Tag: Sisi, Abdel Fattah el-
Egypt’s Soap Opera Clampdown Extends el-Sisi’s Iron Grip to TV
The crackdown on soap operas is the latest extension of a far-reaching authoritarianism that is unusual even for a country long governed by strongmen.
Egypt Sentences 30 Men Over Church Attack Plot
Thirty men were sentenced to between 10 years to life imprisonment for planning a suicide bombing on a church in the Egyptian city of Alexandria.
Egyptian Blogger Is Freed From Prison After 5 Years
Alaa Abd El Fattah, one of Egypt’s most famous political activists, was sentenced for violating laws intended to curtail protests.
Cairo Dispatch: What to Do About Cairo’s ‘Uncivilized’ Buildings? President Orders Epic Paint Job
President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi wants to paint the ramshackle red brick buildings that fill Egypt’s cities and wants ordinary people to pay for it. Some question if the scheme is wise or even possible.
Egypt’s el-Sisi Welcomes European Union Leaders, but Not Their Scolding on Rights
President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi dismissed criticism of his human rights record at the end of a summit of Arab and European leaders, who hope to make deals on migration, terrorism and arms sales.
El-Sisi May Rule Egypt Until 2034 Under Parliamentary Plan
Lawmakers approved measures that would allow the president to stay in power for an additional 12 years, enshrining the military’s dominance in politics.
Egypt Tried to Block Broadcast of CBS Interview With President Sisi
CBS said President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi acknowledged that his military cooperated with Israel, and refused a request by Egypt to stop the broadcast.
Egypt Acquits Democracy Workers in Case That Strained U.S. Ties
More than 40 Americans, Europeans and Egyptians were convicted in 2013, becoming symbols of the post-Arab Spring official backlash against civil society.
Egyptian Actress Dressed to Impress. She Could Be Jailed for Debauchery.
Rania Youssef’s lacy, revealing dress at a Cairo film festival spurred three lawyers to sue her. A trial has been scheduled for January.