Even as Telegram faces legal scrutiny and grapples with billions in debt, it is set to be profitable for the first time as it tries cryptocurrencies, subscriptions and ads.
Tag: Social Media
Under Pressure, Telegram Turns a Profit for the First Time
Even as Telegram faces legal scrutiny and grapples with billions in debt, it is set to be profitable for the first time as it tries cryptocurrencies, subscriptions and ads.
French Court Convicts 8 People Tied to Events Leading to Teacher’s Beheading
Samuel Paty was beheaded in 2020 by an Islamist extremist after showing caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad to his students to illustrate free speech.
U.K. Court Rules Police Can Seize £2 Million From Andrew Tate
The online influencer has bragged about refusing to pay taxes. A London court found that he and his brother had not paid taxes on more than £21 million in business revenue.
Ukraine Weighs Telegram Security Risks Amid War With Russia
The messaging app’s popularity has soared during the war with Russia, leading Ukrainian officials to increasingly weigh Telegram’s upsides against its security risks.
Coming for Selfies, Staying for Art: Dakar’s Biennale Draws Young Crowd
Encouraged by Senegal’s new president, teenagers and young adults, with social media tools in hand, have thronged an art exhibition that is usually the exclusive realm of the wealthy and elite.
Coming for Selfies, Staying for Art: Dakar’s Biennale Draws Young Crowd
Encouraged by Senegal’s new president, teenagers and young adults, with social media tools in hand, have thronged an art exhibition that is usually the exclusive realm of the wealthy and elite.
Romania Court Orders a Recount After Surprise Election Result
A top court issued the ruling just days after an ultranationalist outsider unexpectedly won the most votes in the first round of presidential elections held Sunday.
What to Know About Australia’s Social Media Ban for Children Under 16
Critics say big questions remain not only about how the new law will be enforced, but also about whether the ban will really protect young people.
Australia Bans Social Media for Everyone Under 16
The law sets a minimum age for users of platforms like TikTok, Instagram and X. How the restriction will be enforced online remains an open question.