Researchers ended a large trial in South Africa after finding that an experimental vaccine offered little protection.
Tag: South Africa
No Work, No Food: Pandemic Deepens Global Hunger
Relentless waves of the virus, combined with crises caused by conflict and climate change, have left tens of millions of people around the world on the brink of famine.
In South Africa, Poachers Now Traffic in Tiny Succulent Plants
Police search the desert trying to track down the poachers selling Conophytums to collectors worldwide, threatening to wipe out rare plants in the wild.
What Animals See in the Stars, and What They Stand to Lose
Humans aren’t the only species that navigate by starlight. Animals from birds to dung beetles may do it, too — and might become disoriented as our city lights drown out the heavens.
Regrets in South Africa After Lives and Livelihoods Lost in Mass Unrest
The manager of a looted supermarket in Soweto and a man who joined in ransacking it reflect on the causes and consequences of some of the worst unrest to hit parts of South Africa since the fall of apartheid.
Covid Is Especially Risky for People With H.I.V., Large Study Finds
An H.I.V. infection increases the odds of dying from Covid-19 by at least 30 percent, researchers said.
South African Military Is Called In to Quell Violence
Protests over the imprisonment of Jacob Zuma have escalated into looting and other destructive lawlessness fed in part by poverty and scant opportunity.
Jacob Zuma, Former South African President, Is Arrested
The Constitutional Court had found him guilty of contempt for failing to appear before a commission investigating corruption accusations that tainted a president once best known for fighting apartheid.
A Diamond Rush in South Africa, Born of Desperation and Distrust
When rumors of a diamond find hit social media, thousands of jobless South Africans rushed to a sleepy village. The government’s claim that the discovery was actually quartz was met with suspicion.
Jacob Zuma Is Ordered to Prison by South African Court
Mr. Zuma, whose tenure was tainted by financial scandals, was a comrade of Nelson Mandela and a dominant figure for decades in the governing African National Congress party.