The European Union sees the service as a way to end the bloc’s reliance on GPS, which the American military controls.
Tag: Space and Astronomy
After Delay of Chandrayaan-2 Launch, Indians Are Disappointed but Confident
The country had been watching, eager for India to seize its place in space with a lunar landing. Scientists say the mission is still on — they just don’t know when.
India’s Chandrayaan-2 Moon Launch Is Delayed
The country’s hopes to become the fourth to land on the moon were put on hold Monday.
India’s Shooting for the Moon, and the Country Is Pumped
The country’s plans to launch an unmanned rover into space were delayed at the last moment, but it is determined to join a select group of nations.
India’s Going to the Moon, and the Country Is Pumped
India will launch an unmanned rover into space on Monday. If successful, India will join a select group of nations capable of reaching the moon.
Messages on the Moon From a World Turned Upside Down
Our journey to the moon took us a long way from Earth, but it was always tangled up with power politics here on the ground.
50 Years Ago, Canada Was Also in Space
Canada became a space power seven years before Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon, if in a less captivating way.
A Burning Lava Lake Concealed by a Volcano’s Glacial Ice
Persistent pools of lava are quite rare on Earth, and it took years of satellite images to find this one.
Why Everyone Wants to Go Back to the Moon
Something of a new lunar race is underway, but the motivations differ from what put men on its surface 50 years ago.
Should Neil Armstrong’s Bootprints Be on the Moon Forever?
With renewed interest in the moon, some say it’s time to consider whether, and how, to preserve humanity’s lunar heritage.