The ruling was the first in a raft of suits brought by doctors and nurses in Spain who say they worked without masks, gowns or surgical gloves.
Tag: Spain
Dorms Pop Up in Spain as More Students Seek Housing Away From Home
The country’s student population has become increasingly mobile, fueling investments in accommodations, largely funded by foreign capital.
Italian Mafia Fugitive Caught In Spain Thanks to Google Maps
Investigators had tracked the man to a town in Spain, and an image found online confirmed that the police were on the right track.
A Spanish Mystery: Is a ‘Masked Restorer’ to Blame for a Church’s Botched Repair?
Yet another imprudent fix in a land plagued by vigilante handymen led to angry calls to find the culprit — and to a soul-searching question: Does Spain just have too much history in need of upkeep?
A Spanish Mystery: Is a ‘Masked Restorer’ to Blame for a Church’s Botched Repair?
Yet another imprudent fix in a land plagued by vigilante handymen led to angry calls to find the culprit — and to a soul-searching question: Does Spain just have too much history in need of upkeep?
Will Juan Carlos, Spain’s Disgraced King, Get a Royal Homecoming?
In the years since Juan Carlos, Spain’s former king, fled the country to escape corruption investigations, some of the cases have been resolved or dropped. Now Spaniards are weighing whether they want him back.
Swiss Prosecutors Drop Money-Laundering Case Against Juan Carlos
A criminal inquiry into allegations that Spain’s former king laundered illegal commission payments from Saudi Arabia related to a high-speed rail deal was closed because of insufficient evidence.
Honeybees Survived for Weeks Under Volcano Ash After Canary Islands Eruption
For roughly 50 days, thousands of honeybees sealed themselves in their hives, away from deadly gas, and feasted on honey. “It is a very empowering story,” one entomologist said.
Will High Vaccination Rates Help Spain Weather Omicron?
Spain surpassed others in Europe by avoiding politicized debate about Covid shots. Citizens also largely heeded the health guidance from their leaders.