The island’s health inspectors and the police are otherwise occupied by other tasks, an official said in explaining the hiring of outsiders.
Tag: Spain
‘X’ Marks the Spot: Officials Map a Route Out of the Pandemic
Governments and organizations around the world are using geospatial data and digital mapping tools to guide their vaccination campaigns.
Spanish Court Targets Chilean Bank Tied to Pinochet
Spurred by victims of Gen. Augusto Pinochet’s regime, the court has reopened an investigation into whether Banco de Chile helped the former Chilean dictator launder money.
Remains of Esther Dingley, Missing British Hiker, Are Found
For months, the authorities and Ms. Dingley’s partner combed the Pyrenees mountains. A DNA test confirmed the identity of remains found near her last known location, a group aiding the search said.
Virus Trends Vary Sharply Worldwide, Making an Erratic Mix
The virus has created a patchwork of contradictory trends, surging in some countries and ebbing in others, depending on variants, vaccination, restrictions and compliance.
Spain Pledged Citizenship to Sephardic Jews. Now They Feel Betrayed.
In 2015, Spain said it would give citizenship to the descendants of Sephardic Jews expelled during the Spanish Inquisition. Then rejections started pouring in this summer.
Spain Pardons Jailed Catalan Separatist Leaders
A major step toward defusing tensions in a conflict that has long divided Spain prompted mixed reactions from an independence movement.
A Wave of the Hand Sets Off Spain-Morocco Migrant Fight
Spanish officials say Morocco increasingly sees migrants as currency for financial and political gains after it let up to 12,000 flood into a Spanish enclave in North Africa over two days.
‘Come On In, Boys’: A Wave of the Hand Sets Off Spain-Morocco Migrant Fight
Spanish officials say Morocco increasingly sees migrants as currency for financial and political gains after it let up to 12,000 flood into a Spanish enclave in North Africa over two days.
Josep Almudéver, 101, Dies; Last Known Veteran of International Brigades
He was one of many of the Brigades’ volunteers who viewed Spain’s Civil War as a broader fight against the advance of Fascism across Europe.