The government’s aid programs are winding down, and officials are so far resisting pressure to extend them. But what if the virus resurges?
Tag: Spain
Where’s Juan Carlos? Exit of Scandal-Plagued Former King Grips Spain
His decision to leave Spain amid investigations related to his wealth has outraged many Spaniards and caused tensions within the country’s fragile coalition government.
Juan Carlos, Spain’s Former King, Quits Country Amid Multiple Investigations
The former king’s departure, which comes as he faces financial inquiries, may fuel Spain’s political and social debate over the future of the monarchy.
Quarantine Order Blindsides Britons Returning From Spain
Britain’s sudden decision to make travelers from Spain self-isolate for 14 days caught many vacationers by surprise — including the transportation secretary.
Southern Europe Opens Its Doors to Tourists. Not Many Are Coming.
Most tourist beds are empty in Spain’s Canary Islands. Bookings are down in Italy despite government incentives. And ferries to the Greek islands are carrying less than half the load they once did.
Egyptian Dissident Battles Extradition in Spanish Court
Mohamed Ali made videos critical of Egypt’s government, touching off protests. Now he is a target of that government, as President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi of Egypt pushes to silence critics abroad.
A Botched Restoration of a Painting in Spain Draws Outrage
A copy of a painting of the Virgin Mary by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo was disfigured after it was cleaned by a furniture restorer. Restoration experts are calling for tighter regulation of their work.
Bullfighting, Already Ailing in Spain, Is Battered by Lockdown
A storied tradition has been weakened by animal rights concerns. With the pandemic halting bullfights, breeders and others face hard choices.
Ukraine’s Backlog of Babies Born to Surrogates Begins to Ease
Eleven foreign couples, previously barred by coronavirus restrictions, have entered the country to meet their newborns. But births are still outpacing pickups.
A New Weapon Against Climate Change May Float
The wind power industry sees an opportunity in allowing windmills to be pushed into deeper water.