The moves, while largely symbolic, were welcomed by Palestinians and denounced by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who called them “a prize for terrorism.”
Tag: Spain
The War Is Shifting Europe’s Politics Away From Israel
The recognition of Palestinian statehood by Spain, Ireland and Norway highlights the changing center of gravity, but there also are staunchly pro-Israel nations in Europe.
The War Is Shifting Europe’s Politics Away From Israel
The recognition of Palestinian statehood by Spain, Ireland and Norway highlights the changing center of gravity, but there also are staunchly pro-Israel nations in Europe.
Orcas Sink Another Boat Near Iberia, Worrying Sailors Before Summer
Two people were rescued on Sunday after orcas damaged their boat near the Strait of Gibraltar, where the animals have caused havoc in recent years.
Spain’s Socialists Win Catalan Vote Dominated by Amnesty for Separatists
For the first time in over a decade, the regional government in Catalonia may be led by a party opposed to independence.
Luis Rubiales, Ex-Soccer Chief, to Be Tried in Spain for Unwanted Kiss
Luis Rubiales, the former head of Spanish soccer, was also charged with coercion in connection with the unsolicited kiss of a star player after the Women’s World Cup.
Europe’s Economic Laggards Have Become Its Leaders
More than a decade after painful austerity, Greece, Portugal and Spain have been growing faster than traditional powerhouses like Germany.
Spain’s Leader, Pedro Sánchez, Says He Won’t Quit Over Wife’s Corruption Case
Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, a progressive with a reputation as a wily survivor, had considered stepping down over corruption accusations against his wife that he says are a smear.
Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez Considers Resignation Amid Wife’s Investigation
Despite insisting that allegations of influence peddling against his wife are false, Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez says he is considering stepping down, bewildering Spain.
Pedro Sánchez, Spain’s Leader, Considers Resigning as Wife Faces Inquiry
Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez put his public duties on hold. He said an inquiry into alleged influence peddling by his wife was politically motivated.