A new study assesses the effects of sugar-laden beverages on global health, with higher rates of consumption found in Latin America and parts of Africa.
Tag: Sugar
Coke, Pepsi and Other U.S. Companies Face Wall Street Pressure Over Labor Abuses in India
Pension funds and big investors are pressuring Coca-Cola, Pepsico and others over brutal working conditions in India’s cane fields. Some of the sugar buyers are tiptoeing toward change.
How Forced Labor and Hysterectomies Are Darkly Linked in India
Our correspondent explains how an exploitative labor system has produced a system of brutality in the country’s sugar fields.
Abused Workers in India’s Sugar Industry Face Worse Fates if They Quit
Why would anyone stay in a job where abuse is rampant and women are coerced into hysterectomies? Because the cost of escaping India’s cane fields is often even higher.
Why Lawmakers Ignore Human Rights Abuses in India’s Sugar Fields
Politicians run most of the mills in the state of Maharashtra. They deny or downplay evidence of coerced hysterectomies, debt bondage and child labor in the fields.
Sugar Industry Faces Pressure Over Coerced Hysterectomies in India
After an investigation that ran in The New York Times, the industry is edging toward change. But companies in western India are reluctant to abandon an abusive labor system.
Bonsucro Certified Indian Sugar From Abusive Fields
Much of what consumers buy is marked “sustainable,” “humane” or “green.” In the sugar cane fields of India, that papered over the worst abuses.
Sugar in India, Fueled by Child Marriage and Hysterectomies
An investigation into the sugar-cane industry in the Indian state of Maharashtra found workers ensnared by debt and pushed into child marriages and unnecessary hysterectomies.
5 Takeaways From an Investigation Into Hysterectomies in India’s Sugar Industry
Indebted workers, facing brutal working conditions, are pushed to get hysterectomies as a treatment for routine ailments. Sugar mills disclaim responsibility.
Sugar in India, Fueled by Child Marriage and Hysterectomies
An investigation into the sugar-cane industry in the Indian state of Maharashtra found workers ensnared by debt and pushed into child marriages and unnecessary hysterectomies.