The White House’s push to deport Vietnamese who came to the United States before 1995 had also resulted in extended immigration detentions. For now, it has eased off.
Tag: Suits and Litigation (Civil)
Families Sue Jordan Over 2016 Deaths of 3 U.S. Green Berets
The soldiers’ fathers accused the kingdom of falsely telling the news media that the Green Berets had provoked the deadly shooting by a base guard.
He Helped People Cheat at Grand Theft Auto. Then His Home Was Raided.
A gamer in Melbourne has had his assets frozen in connection with a popular video game cheat. He’s one of many being sued by game companies worldwide, raising questions about copyright law and the policing of online civility.
You Can See What? Neighbors Take Tate Modern to Court Over Privacy
Owners of luxury apartments near the London museum have sued over a viewing platform they say offers a “relentless” invasion of privacy.