The shutdown had threatened to disrupt trade with the United States and other countries, as well as cause serious economic consequences in Canada.
Tag: Supply Chain
U.S. Creates High-Tech Global Supply Chains to Blunt Risks Tied to China
The Biden administration is trying to get foreign companies to invest in chip-making in the United States and more countries to set up factories to do final assembly and packaging.
It’s Not Just Russia: China Joins the G7’s List of Adversaries
While not invited to the Group of 7 meeting, China was still a major presence, with the summit’s final communiqué referencing the country 28 times, almost always as a malign force.
Montana Has More Cows Than People. Why Are Locals Eating Beef From Brazil?
Cole Mannix, of Old Salt Co-op, is trying to change local appetites and upend an industry controlled by multibillion-dollar meatpackers.
Europe Wants to Build a Stronger Defense Industry, but Can’t Decide How
Conflicting political visions, competitive jockeying and American dominance stand in the way of a more coordinated and efficient military machine.
How a Remote Australian Town Nearly Ran Out of Food
Many isolated Indigenous communities are dependent on fragile supply chains. This year, floods made that dramatically clear.
Podesta Meets With China’s Climate Envoy Amid Deep Economic Tensions
Beijing’s dominance raises economic and security concerns, and tensions will be high as top climate diplomats meet this week.
Drought That Snarled Panama Canal Was Linked to El Niño, Study Finds
The low water levels that choked cargo traffic were more closely tied to the natural climate cycle than to human-caused warming, a team of scientists has concluded.
Sugar in India, Fueled by Child Marriage and Hysterectomies
An investigation into the sugar-cane industry in the Indian state of Maharashtra found workers ensnared by debt and pushed into child marriages and unnecessary hysterectomies.
Sugar in India, Fueled by Child Marriage and Hysterectomies
An investigation into the sugar-cane industry in the Indian state of Maharashtra found workers ensnared by debt and pushed into child marriages and unnecessary hysterectomies.