President Trump prefers a robust relationship with authoritarian China to one with democratic Taiwan. But other American officials aim to strengthen U.S.-Taiwan ties.
Tag: Taiwan
Sorry, the World’s Biggest Bike Maker Can’t Help You Buy a Bike Right Now
The pandemic has created a bicycle boom — and a shortage. Giant, the Taiwanese juggernaut, is trying to meet demand while navigating the politics of trade.
As U.S.-China Ties Deteriorate, Taiwan’s Importance Grows
The highest-level American visit to Taiwan in decades shows the island’s importance as ties between the United States and China deteriorate.
A Bookstore That Shines as ‘a Lighthouse of a Free Society’
A Hong Kong bookseller has recreated his shop in Taipei, and it has become a symbol of Taiwan’s vibrant democracy.
U.S. Health Secretary to Visit Taiwan, in a Move Likely to Anger Beijing
The trip by Alex M. Azar II, a rare high-level U.S. visit, is being billed as an opportunity to highlight Taiwan’s success in battling the coronavirus pandemic.
Lee Teng-hui, 97, Who Led Taiwan’s Turn to Democracy, Dies
Its first popularly elected president, he transformed a police state into a vibrant country while angering Beijing by insisting that Taiwan be treated as a sovereign state.
He’s 83, She’s 84, and They Model Other People’s Forgotten Laundry
The owners of a laundry shop in central Taiwan have become Instagram stars for posing in garments left behind.
How the Cold War Between China and U.S. Is Intensifying
In defense, trade, technology, media and diplomacy, among other areas, the rancor between the Trump administration and China’s ruling Communist Party is worsening.
As China Strengthens Grip on Hong Kong, Taiwan Sees a Threat
The sweeping new security law in Hong Kong has further eroded what little support there was in Taiwan for unifying with the mainland.
Taiwan Celebrates Pride With a Public Parade
Hundreds joined a march in Taipei, making it one of the few places in the world to proceed with such an event during the coronavirus pandemic.