The network’s chief international correspondent, one of the most visible reporters during the withdrawal of U.S. troops, decided to become a reporter after an epiphany on 9/11.
Tag: Taliban
Taliban Claim Control Over Panjshir Valley, but Resistance Vows to Fight On
Militants posted images apparently taken in Bazarak, the capital of Panjshir Province in Afghanistan, where opposition forces have fought against their rule.
U.S. Citizens and Afghans Wait for Evacuation Flights From Country’s North
The Taliban have left hundreds of people stranded in Afghanistan awaiting approval for departure.
U.S. Citizens and Afghans Wait for Evacuation Flights From Country’s North
The Taliban have left hundreds of people stranded in Afghanistan, but officials deny they are being held hostage.
The First Afghan Rhodes Scholar Saved Her Father, and Wants to Do More
Summia Tora used her connections to get her father and an uncle on a flight out of Kabul. Helping other Afghan refugees, she said, may occupy “most of the rest of my life.”
Taliban Fighters Crush a Women’s Protest Amid Flickers of Resistance
The women were assaulted with rifle butts, tear gas and metal clubs, while anti-Taliban rebels in the north vowed to repel an assault by the Islamist group.
Threats and Fear Cause Afghan Women’s Protections to Vanish Overnight
As the Taliban advanced, safe houses for women closed, and the staff sheltered girls at home as relatives released from prison threatened to kill them.
Afghans With Ties to U.S. Who Could Not Get Out Now Live in Fear
Thousands did not make it onto U.S. military evacuation flights. Many of them are now in hiding, worried for their safety and their future.
How Will the Taliban Govern? A History of Rebel Rule Offers Clues.
Insurgents who seize power tend to be authoritarian but pragmatic, desperate for legitimacy and ruthless toward classes they see as hostile.
Afghans Who Worked for The New York Times Arrive in Houston
The group, 124 people including families, flew to Houston from Mexico City after their escape from Kabul. One Afghan journalist in the group has not been cleared by U.S. border officials.