A toddler was trampled to death as a crowd surged near the Kabul airport, and many residents who aided America remain in hiding, fearing they will be killed by their new rulers.
Tag: Taliban
Fears Rise About Safety of Afghan Airport as U.S. Warns Americans to Stay Away
Families continued to swarm the airport in hopes of getting aboard American military planes. U.S. officials are now worried that Islamic State might launch an attack to damage the Taliban’s sense of control.
Taliban Leader Baradar Returns to Kabul Aiming to Form Government
The leader, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, is beginning talks with former President Hamid Karzai and other politicians.
America’s Afghan War: A Defeat Foretold?
Recent history suggests that it is foolish for Western powers to fight wars in other people’s lands and that the U.S. intervention was almost certainly doomed from the start.
Afghanistan Faces Economic Shock as Sanctions Replace Foreign Aid
The Taliban will be under pressure to keep a fragile economy afloat.
Biden’s Inaccurate Claims in Defending Afghanistan Withdrawal
The president made misleading or false claims about the reaction of allies to the withdrawal, the presence of Al Qaeda and conditions for Americans traveling to the Kabul airport.
As Canada Awaits a New Group of Refugees, Questions Loom
Canada said that it would take in 20,000 refugees from Afghanistan. But Canadians hoping to sponsor some of them will have to wait until government plans become clear.
Biden Defends Evacuation as Thousands Besiege Kabul Airport
The president cited “significant progress’’ in getting Americans out of Afghanistan. But Afghans linked to U.S. troops and other Western groups fear being left behind.
‘My Dreams Died’: On Kabul’s Streets With a Woman Protest Leader
In Afghanistan, raising the national flag has become an act of resistance. We filmed a woman risking her safety to protest the Taliban.
Biden Tries to Restore Calm Amid Chaos in Kabul
“Let me be clear: Any American who wants to come home, we will get you home,” he said, before adding, “I cannot promise what the final outcome will be, or that it will be without the risk of loss.”