After years of arguing against an extended military presence in Afghanistan, President Biden is doing things his way, with the deadline for withdrawal set for the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks.
Tag: Taliban
Ashraf Ghani, Afghanistan’s President, Has Little Sway Over Its Future
Ashraf Ghani has few remaining allies, the Taliban are gaining militarily and his international supporters are impatient with him and the stumbling peace process.
Afghan War Casualty Report: April 2021
At least 72 pro-government forces and 18 civilians were killed in Afghanistan so far this month.
U.S. Looks to Build on Secret Portions of Taliban Deal to Reduce Violence
In the final weeks before the U.S. is set to withdraw from Afghanistan, officials are trying to negotiate with the insurgent group and stave off a Taliban spring offensive.
The Taliban Think They Have Won in Afghanistan, Peace Deal or Not
“We have defeated the enemy.” The international community is scrambling to secure peace in Afghanistan, but the Taliban believe they have the upper hand — and are saying as much.
Officials Try to Sway Biden Using Intelligence on Potential for Taliban Takeover of Afghanistan
If U.S. troops leave before any deal between the Taliban and the Afghan government, the militant group will take over much of the country, an intelligence assessment predicted.
Foes in Afghan War See a Common Threat of Islamic State’s Return
An unusual truce between the government and the Taliban has kept the Islamic State out of one former stronghold. But there is a peace paradox: Unemployed fighters looking for work.
Hazara Students Pursue Education at Bombed Academies
A group of young Afghans studying for college entrance exams, members of a once persecuted minority, must risk attacks by the Islamic State and the looming threat of a Taliban return.
U.S. Defense Secretary Makes Secret Visit to Afghanistan
Lloyd J. Austin III is the first member of President Biden’s cabinet to travel to the country, where he met with the Afghan president, Ashraf Ghani.
U.S. Has 1,000 More Troops in Afghanistan Than It Disclosed
The undercount complicates President Biden’s decision on carrying out a complete withdrawal by May 1, as his administration tries to jump-start peace talks.