What jarred many Afghans was how a single attack and the death of one American, cited by Mr. Trump, could have upended 10 months of negotiations.
Tag: Taliban
How Trump’s Plan to Secretly Meet With the Taliban Came Together, and Fell Apart
What would have been one of the biggest headline-grabbing moments of President Trump’s tenure was put together on the spur of the moment and then canceled on the spur of the moment.
After Trump Calls Off Talks, Afghanistan Braces for Violence
There were many questions about why Mr. Trump suddenly scuttled talks with the Taliban just as they were nearing a conclusion.
Taliban Talks Hit a Wall Over Deeper Disagreements, Officials Say
The insurgents were resisting a grand plan for finalizing and announcing the deal, which would have brought them to Camp David along with Afghan president.
Afghan War Casualty Report: September 2019
At least 179 pro-government forces and 110 civilians were killed in Afghanistan during the past week.
U.S. Deal With Taliban Meets Afghan Resistance as Violence Intensifies
Officials say the deal lacks protections to ensure the Taliban keep their promises. “The people of Afghanistan have been bitten by this snake before.”
As Afghanistan Seeks Peace, Social Media Raises Fear of Reprisals
The spread of graphic imagery of killings in a war that reaches so deep into local communities threatens to fuel vengeance beyond any U.S.-Taliban deal.
After Bombing, Afghans Demand That Foreigners Leave Their Neighborhood
Kabul residents staged a raucous protest on Tuesday, calling for the target of a deadly attack — a compound for foreigners — to be shut down.
To Start Afghan Withdrawal, U.S. Would Pull 5,400 Troops in 135 Days
The lead American negotiator has told Afghan leaders that an agreement has been finalized “in principle” with the Taliban. It still needs approval from President Trump.
Taliban Attack Second Afghan City in 2 Days as Peace Deal Nears
For the second time in two days, Taliban fighters attacked a provincial capital as government forces scrambled to respond amid peace talks.