A once-stable country is plagued by extremists pouring over its northern border, restive farmers and herdsmen battling for land, and militias bent on tit-for-tat vengeance.
Tag: Terrorism
One of Britain’s Most Prolific Terror Cells Is Regrouping
The security services have expressed alarm at the prospect of the extremist group Al Muhajiroun re-energizing with ISIS fighters returning from Iraq and Syria.
Questions and Answers About Syria’s Secret Torture Prisons
Anne Barnard, our former Beirut bureau chief, took to Reddit to share additional insights into her Times investigation of the cruel tactics President Bashar al-Assad uses to crack down on opposition.
Indonesia Says It Foiled Plot to Detonate Bombs via Wi-Fi
The alleged plot highlights advances in bomb-making in a country with a history of militant activity tied to the Islamic State and other extremist groups.
Marine Le Pen Denies Making White Power Gesture in Selfie
The French far-right leader said she was unaware the hand signal meant anything other than O.K. when she posed for a selfie with an Estonian politician.
Trump Administration Balks at Global Pact to Crack Down on Online Extremism
Citing American’s free speech protections, the administration said it would not endorse the ‘Christchurch Call,’ which urges major online platforms to eradicate violent and extremist content.
Greek Anarchists Vandalize U.S. Ambassador’s Home
An anarchist group called Rouvikonas claimed responsibility, saying it was acting in solidarity with an imprisoned hit man for a now-defunct terrorist group.
Taliban Target Aid Groups, in an Ominous Turn in Afghanistan
Humanitarian casualties are on the rise again after years of decline in Afghanistan, one of the most dangerous places for aid workers.
Pakistan Says Separatists Killed 5 in Attack on Luxury Hotel
An assault on a hotel frequented by guests from China, which is investing heavily in the region, was “an effort to sabotage our economic prospects,” Prime Minister Imran Khan said.
New Zealand Seeks Global Support for Tougher Measures on Online Violence
In the wake of the terrorist attack on Muslim mosques, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is calling for a united effort against the biggest internet companies.