President Trump has talked with Senate leaders about cutting business taxes and taking other steps to soften the virus’s economic impact.
Tag: Trump, Donald J
A Secret Accord With the Taliban: When and How the U.S. Would Leave Afghanistan
The Taliban have read the secret annexes of the recently signed peace deal. But most Americans haven’t, nor have many of their elected representatives.
CPAC Attendee Has the Coronavirus, Officials Say
The Conservative Political Action Conference was attended last week by President Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and other administration officials.
Boris Johnson Launches War on U.K.’s Own ‘Deep State’
A juicy boss-from-hell story illuminates the tensions between Britain’s radical new government and its solicitous but unyielding civil service.
Violence in India Threatens Its Global Ambitions
India is pushing for more clout globally, as the world’s largest democracy. But as its government takes an illiberal turn to Hindu nationalism, that premise is being questioned.
Taliban Ramp Up Attacks on Afghans After Trump Says ‘No Violence’
Deadly assaults against Afghan forces have increased since the U.S. and Taliban signed a deal to end their war. Afghans worry about the ambiguity of the Taliban’s promises.
Iran Crosses a Key Threshold: It Again Has Sufficient Fuel for a Bomb
So far, the evidence suggests that Iran’s recent actions are calculated to pressure the Trump administration and Europe rather than rushing for a bomb.
Trump Speaks With a Taliban Leader
The direct contact between an American president and a top Taliban official would once have been unthinkable, showing President Trump’s drive to make a peace deal stick.
About That Much Vaunted U.S.-U.K. Trade Deal? Maybe Not Now
For Britain, talks with the European Union take precedence, while Washington is unlikely to take it up in an election year.
Afghanistan War Enters New Stage as U.S. Military Prepares to Exit
The deal signed on Saturday could have the United States conducting strikes to aid old enemies like the Taliban — or lead to a complete withdrawal from the country.