The relationship has no precedent in their countries’ history, with deep parallels in their politics and struggles with scandal. But as an Israeli election approaches, is this the last hurrah?
Tag: Trump, Donald J
China Suggests a Trade Compromise With the Trump Administration
An offer from a senior Chinese official could make a trade deal easier to achieve — but also more fragile.
New Images of North Korea Buildup Confront Trump’s Hopes for Disarmament
For an administration that regularly acknowledges or dismisses intelligence findings to fit the moment, North Korea has served as a comeuppance.
North Korea Admits Failure of Trump Summit, a Week After It Broke Down
An official newspaper acknowledged “sighs of regret” over the meeting, but avoided direct invective against the United States or its president.
Space Launch Would Violate North Korean Commitments to U.S., Official Warns
After a fruitless meeting with Kim Jong-un, President Trump declared himself “a little disappointed” by new evidence that North Korea is rebuilding a missile launch site.
U.S. Tries to Squeeze Venezuelan President by Revoking His Allies’ Visas
The visa announcement is the latest in a series of relatively modest moves designed to slowly choke off President Nicolás Maduro’s economic resources.
Arab Raid Led to Freedom for American Hostage in Yemen
Danny Lavone Burch, who worked for an oil company in Yemen, was rescued last week in an operation led by the United Arab Emirates with help from the United States.
Will Kim Jong-un Return to Brinkmanship? Weak Economy Is Forcing His Hand
North Korea’s deepening economic trouble may propel it to return to the negotiating table — or resume weapons tests to force a deal.
North Korea Has Started Rebuilding Key Missile-Test Facilities, Analysts Say
The revelation comes days after the breakdown of the summit meeting between Kim Jong-un and President Trump in Hanoi, Vietnam.
Mired in Crisis, Pakistan Vows to Move Against Militant Groups
Under threat of sanctions for being soft on terrorist groups, and facing conflict with India, Pakistani officials insist that change will happen.