American intelligence officials and outside experts say that Kim Jong-un is capitalizing on President Trump’s downplaying of his weapons testing to significantly improve the North’s arsenal.
Tag: Trump, Donald J
To Start Afghan Withdrawal, U.S. Would Pull 5,400 Troops in 135 Days
The lead American negotiator has told Afghan leaders that an agreement has been finalized “in principle” with the Taliban. It still needs approval from President Trump.
As Trump Escalates Trade War, U.S. and China Move Further Apart With No End in Sight
The standoff is upending the relationship between the world’s two largest economies.
Slovenia Has Another Trump Statue. This One Has Vampire Teeth.
Less than 50 miles from a wooden effigy of the Slovenia-born Melania Trump, the president now has a giant figure of his own. Media interest may have saved it from a bonfire.
North Korea Says Hope of More U.S. Talks Is ‘Disappearing’
The North said it might “re-examine all the measures we have taken so far,” a vague threat that could encompass its moratorium on nuclear and long-range missile tests.
Britain’s Unwritten Constitution Suddenly Looks Fragile
Britons were shocked when Prime Minister Boris Johnson suspended Parliament, defying tradition. But that may be just the start.
In a Tweet Taunting Iran, Trump Releases an Image Thought to Be Classified
The president’s tweet, which included a high-resolution satellite image of the damage, was unusual because Iran had neither acknowledged the accident nor blamed the United States.
Poland Had the Royal Castle Ready. Then Trump Canceled His Trip.
Ahead of national elections, Poland’s governing party had hoped that President Trump’s visit would give it a boost and blunt concerns that it was undermining democracy.
In Iran’s Hierarchy, Talks With Trump Are Now Seen as Inevitable
Iranian leaders have concluded that President Trump could win a second term and they will have to deal with him.
Taliban Peace Talks Cast Uncertainty on Presidential Vote
Afghanistan’s election is weeks away. But with many fearing it could disrupt peace negotiations, there’s doubt that it will be held at all.