The Trump administration didn’t formally announce the move or tell the bloc, which was left to figure it out on its own.
Tag: Trump, Donald J
With Kim’s Visit, China Shows U.S. It Has Leverage on Trade
The softening Chinese economy has weakened Beijing’s hand as it struggles to settle the trade war. Its pull with North Korea could strengthen its position.
North Korea’s Leader, Kim Jong-un, Arrives in China by Train
The trip to see President Xi Jinping comes amid negotiations over a second summit meeting between Mr. Kim and President Trump.
Bolton Puts Conditions on Syria Withdrawal, Suggesting a Delay of Months or Years
John R. Bolton, the national security adviser, said troops would remain until the Islamic State was completely defeated and Turkey guaranteed it would not strike Kurdish forces.
Afghan Leaders Dispute Trump’s Claim That Soviets Invaded to Fight Terrorists
President Ashraf Ghani contested President Trump’s claim that the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979 to fight terrorists.
Twisted Sister Clashes With Australian Politician Over Rock Anthem
Members of the American rock band objected to the use of their song “We’re Not Gonna Take It” for a political advertising campaign.
The Pen Proves Mighty for an Unlikely Trump Correspondent
The president relishes showing off the “beautiful” and “interesting” letters he receives from a man he once threatened with annihilation: North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un.
News Analysis: Kim and Trump Back at Square 1: If U.S. Keeps Sanctions, North Will Keep Nuclear Program
The North Korean leader’s New Year speech seemed to challenge President Trump to backtrack on the American goal of zero North Korean nuclear weapons.
Kim Jong-un, Ready to Meet Trump ‘at Any Time,’ Demands U.S. End Sanctions
In his New Year’s Day speech, North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, said he was ready to meet with President Trump again but warned against continued sanctions against his country.
‘I Have Seen Many Crises’: Steel Magnate Stands Firm as Turmoil Hits Turkey
Despite being hurt by inflation, a falling currency and import tariffs imposed by the Trump administration, Fuat Tosyali, a Turkish industrialist, plans to expand production.