Shaima Swileh, a Yemeni citizen who lives in Egypt, fought to visit her only child in California, where he was receiving treatment for a brain disease.
Tag: Trump, Donald J
‘That’s Shiny’: How a U.K. Plane Spotter Cracked the Secret of Trump’s Iraq Visit
An aviation enthusiast saw something shiny out of his kitchen window. Public data, and a community of online sleuths, did the rest.
Syria’s Kurds, Feeling Betrayed by the U.S., Ask Assad Government for Protection
Other powers in Syria have begun positioning themselves to take advantage of the vacuum left by a U.S. withdrawal.
gender letter: 2018: Year of the Woman, in 5 Powerful Quotes
The stories that defined this year for women around the world.
Angered at Trump’s Visit, Some Iraqi Lawmakers Want U.S. Troops Out
A range of Iraqi politicians criticized President Trump over his surprise visit as an affront. The most strident critics were affiliated with Moktada al-Sadr, a nationalist Shiite cleric.
Trump Makes Surprise Visit to American Troops in Iraq
President Trump’s first visit to forces in a combat zone came after criticism that he had not made such a trip — and days after his defense secretary resigned.
Iran’s Economic Crisis Drags Down the Middle Class Almost Overnight
Between inflation and a currency collapse, lives have been turned upside down, seemingly overnight. Many blame the government — and President Trump.
Afghanistan Likely to Delay Election as Trump Presses for Peace Talks
Officials said a presidential vote scheduled for April could be put back at least three months to allow for better preparation. That would give U.S. negotiators more time, too.
Arms Sales to Saudis Leave American Fingerprints on Yemen’s Carnage
Errant Saudi-led airstrikes have killed more than 4,000 civilians, upending the U.S. policy of selling weapons with the expectation that they will rarely be used.
British-Iranian Scholar Returns Home After Detention
The case of Abbas Edalat highlighted the plight of up to 30 dual citizens held as tensions have risen between Iran and the West.