Two tankers performing a fuel transfer near the contested Kerch Strait caught fire, leading to the deaths. The strait is a sticking point in relations between Russia and Ukraine.
Tag: Ukraine
Facebook Identifies Russia-Linked Misinformation Campaign
Facebook removed nearly 500 pages and accounts targeted at Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Some originated from an agency controlled by the Kremlin.
Ukrainian Orthodox Christians Formally Break From Russia
An independent Orthodox Church of Ukraine was formally recognized in a four-hour ceremony in Istanbul, formalizing a split with the Russian church to which it had been tied since 1686.
‘Exhibit A’: How McKinsey Got Entangled in a Bribery Case
The consultancy’s report became key evidence in a battle over the extradition of a powerful Ukrainian oligarch charged in a scheme to help Boeing.
Pope Francis, in Christmas Speech, Emphasizes ‘Fraternity’
In his “Urbi et Orbi” (“To the City and to the World”) benediction, the pontiff declares that differences are a source of richness rather than danger.
Glee in Russia Over Trump’s Foreign Policy Largess
“Trump is God’s gift that keeps on giving,” one analyst said. “Russia can just relax and watch and root for Trump, which Putin does at every TV appearance.”
Ukraine Wins New I.M.F. Support as Tensions Rise With Russia
The International Monetary Fund agreed to a $3.9 billion line of credit for Ukraine, whose economy has struggled with corruption and a conflict with Russia.
How McKinsey Has Helped Raise the Stature of Authoritarian Governments
At a time when democracies and their basic values are increasingly under attack, the iconic American company has sometimes served clients in ways that directly counter American interests.
Ukraine Asserts Major Russian Military Buildup on Eastern Border
Ukrainian officials have raised alarms about Russian military activity along the countries’ border, though Western analysts have been cautious.
Ukraine Court Rules Manafort Disclosure Caused ‘Meddling’ in U.S. Election
A prosecutor and a lawmaker broke the law by revealing details about possibly illegal payments earmarked for Paul Manafort, which “resulted in meddling” in the 2016 election, a court in Kiev said.