Small unmanned craft were seen flying over four bases in England, the U.S. Air Force in Europe said in a statement. The Pentagon noted that there had not been “any significant mission impact.”
Tag: United States Defense and Military Forces
Mystery Drones Spotted Over U.S. Air Bases in Britain
Small, unmanned craft were seen flying over four bases in England, the U.S. Air Force in Europe said. The Pentagon said that there had not been “any significant mission impact.”
Biden Agrees to Supply Ukraine With Anti-Personnel Mines
The decision is the latest in a series of moves by the U.S. and Russia that have escalated tensions between the two.
Biden Agrees to Supply Ukraine With Anti-Personnel Mines
The decision is the latest in a series of moves by the U.S. and Russia that have escalated tensions between the two.
Will Trump Rekindle a Bromance With Kim Jong-un? South Koreans Worry.
Donald J. Trump’s second term brings uncertainty to the Korean Peninsula as nuclear tensions run high. North Korea’s leader may see a chance to re-engage.
Khamenei Threatens Israel With ‘Crushing Response’ to Attacks
His comments came as the Pentagon said it would send additional fighter jets and destroyers to the Middle East.
U.S. Says It Killed Islamic State Militants in Syria
Airstrikes on Monday targeted people who the military said were senior leaders of the group, which has sharply stepped up its attacks in Iraq and Syria.
The U.S. Army Prepares for War With China: New Vehicles, Face Paint and a 1,200-Foot Fall
The big and cumbersome Army is trying to transform itself to deploy quickly to Asia, if needed. It is an inherently dangerous business.
U.S. Wrestles With Aiding Allies and Maintaining Its Own Weapons Supply
Pentagon officials discuss whether the flow of assistance could be hurting the military’s ability to respond to a new conflict.
U.S. Bombs Weapons Caches of Iran-Backed Houthis in Yemen
Air Force B-2 bombers struck five underground weapons facilities in what may be a signal from the Biden administration to Iran.