In her Mexico City visit, Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen sought to deepen economic ties while countering drug trafficking.
Tag: United States Economy
Europe and Asia React to U.S. Push for Tech and Clean Energy
Other governments, particularly in Europe, are trying to counter the Biden administration’s industrial policies with their own incentives.
Biden Administration Unleashes Powerful Regulatory Tool Aimed at Climate
Its new estimate of the economic impact of climate change could create the legal justification for aggressive new regulations.
Surging U.S. Oil Production Brings Down Prices and Raises Climate Fears
American oil production is hitting record levels, delivering economic and foreign policy benefits but putting environmental goals further out of reach.
Day After Xi Meeting, Biden Says U.S. Has ‘Real Differences’ With China
Mr. Biden won applause when he noted that he and Mr. Xi had agreed to resume military-to-military communication to “reduce the risk of miscalculation.”
China’s Xi Jinping Draws Elon Musk, Tim Cook and Other U.S. CEOs to Gala in San Francisco
Amid frosty U.S.-China relations, Xi Jinping emphasized friendship in an address to executives from Apple, Boeing, Nike and others.
5th National Climate Assessment Lays Out Climate Threats and Solutions
A major government assessment lays out both the far-reaching perils of global warming and the cost-effective fixes that are available today.
For Both Trudeau and Biden, Polls Suggest an Uphill Political Path
The economy, and particularly inflation, has soured voters on both leaders, polls indicate, though well in advance of upcoming votes.
Biden Seeks to Tame Oil Prices if Mideast Conflict Sends Them Soaring
The president has previously drawn down the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to ease price pressures, but that could be more difficult now
Bill Ford Says U.A.W. Strike Is Helping Tesla and Toyota
Mr. Ford, the executive chairman of Ford Motor, said nonunion automakers would make gains against Michigan automakers because of strikes by the United Automobile Workers union.