Rylee McCollum, barely older than the war itself, had a wife and a baby on the way. He was one of the first publicly identified American victims of the suicide bombing at Kabul’s airport.
Tag: United States Marine Corps
U.S. Military Commander in Afghanistan Talks to Taliban Almost Daily
Other officers have also engaged with Taliban commanders on specific security and threat reduction issues, a partnership of necessity after 20 years of war.
In Haiti, Biden Faces an All Too Familiar Dilemma
Time and again, the world has found that propping up failing states is compelling in the short term and potentially disastrous in the long term.
An Ancient Hill and Forgotten Dead: Afghanistan’s Haunted Outpost
Its name was Observation Post Rock. The outpost is the backdrop for a ghost story, and is known for strange voices, radio static and the creeping fear of being watched.
Killing of 2 Marines in 2011 Almost Derailed Afghan Peace Talks
Even as they pushed for the release of other Afghan prisoners as part of a deal with the Taliban, U.S. officials privately dug in over freeing a man who had killed Americans.
He Killed a Transgender Woman in the Philippines. Why Was He Freed?
The pardon of U.S. Marine Lance Cpl. Joseph Scott Pemberton by President Rodrigo Duterte is the final chapter in a case that reignited debate over old defense treaties.
Duterte Pardons U.S. Marine Who Killed Transgender Woman
The Philippine president made the move, which riled nationalist and gay rights groups, in the interest of maintaining an “independent foreign policy.”
Rise in Virus Cases Near Bases in U.S. and Abroad Poses Test for Military
American military officials are trying to contain the spread of the coronavirus in its ranks while tackling logistical problems like relieving troops overseas.
Coronavirus Outbreak at U.S. Bases in Japan Roils an Uneasy Relationship
The Marines reported 94 new cases on Okinawa, an island that had seen just 148 other infections. Local officials say the military is not doing enough.
Trump Got Written Briefing in February on Possible Russian Bounties, Officials Say
The investigation into Russia’s suspected operation is said to focus in part on the killings of three Marines in a truck bombing last year, officials said.