However distasteful Republicans may find President Trump, they largely back his agenda. In Britain, rebels in the Conservative Party have staged a dramatic insurrection.
Tag: United States
Scandals, Rivals and U.S. Tarnish Netanyahu’s Aura of Invincibility
While Israelis have learned never to count out their wily prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, his victory in the coming election faces serious hurdles.
North Korea Missile Tests, ‘Very Standard’ to Trump, Show Signs of Advancing Arsenal
American intelligence officials and outside experts say that Kim Jong-un is capitalizing on President Trump’s downplaying of his weapons testing to significantly improve the North’s arsenal.
To Start Afghan Withdrawal, U.S. Would Pull 5,400 Troops in 135 Days
The lead American negotiator has told Afghan leaders that an agreement has been finalized “in principle” with the Taliban. It still needs approval from President Trump.
U.S. Will Drill With Southeast Asian Navies, Echoing Move by China
The exercises, which come during a summer of heightened tensions in the South China Sea, highlight the complexities of the rivalry between the United States and China.
North Korea Says Hope of More U.S. Talks Is ‘Disappearing’
The North said it might “re-examine all the measures we have taken so far,” a vague threat that could encompass its moratorium on nuclear and long-range missile tests.
In Iran’s Hierarchy, Talks With Trump Are Now Seen as Inevitable
Iranian leaders have concluded that President Trump could win a second term and they will have to deal with him.
Iran’s Rouhani Says No Talks With Trump Until Sanctions Are Lifted
President Emmanuel Macron of France is trying to get the adversaries to meet. Like President Trump, President Hassan Rouhani set conditions for talks.
As Trump Swerves on Trade War, It’s Whiplash for the Rest of the World
At the Group of 7 meeting in France, President Trump changed his approach to the trade war with China time and again, leaving much of the world off balance. “It’s the way I negotiate,” he said.
One Handgun, 9 Murders: How American Firearms Cause Carnage Abroad
Hundreds of thousands of guns sold in the United States vanish because of loose American gun laws. Many reappear in Jamaica, turning its streets into battlefields.