President Biden said abortion had not come up in their private meeting. “We just talked about the fact he was happy that I was a good Catholic and I should keep receiving communion,” he said.
Tag: Vatican City
John Paul I, Pope for 33 Days in 1978, Will Be Beatified
Pope Francis approved a miracle attributed to the last Italian pope, bringing him a step closer to becoming a saint.
Vatican Issues Acquittals in Sexual Abuse Case Involving Former Altar Boys
One defendant, now a priest, had been accused of sexual abuse when he and his accuser were teenage students at a seminary within the Vatican walls. Another priest was accused of covering it up.
Vatican Sex Abuse Trial Ends With Call for Six-Year Sentence for Priest
Gabriele Martinelli was accused of repeatedly abusing a fellow boarder at a seminary for altar boys before he became a priest. The seminary’s rector has been accused of looking the other way.
Pope Francis Leaves Hospital After Colon Surgery
The Vatican has described the pontiff’s recovery as normal after surgery on July 4.
Pope Francis Undergoes Colon Surgery and Is Said to Be Doing Well
It is the first time that Francis has been admitted to a hospital since becoming pope in 2013.
A Latin Expert’s Odyssey, From the Vatican to the Gay Rights Movement
Francesco Lepore likes to challenge the status quo. He now writes a general-interest column in Latin, with the latest on “Ioseph Biden” and “Vladimirum Putin.”
On Easter, Pope France Urges Universal Access to Coronavirus Vaccines
He also noted the economic and social hardships of the pandemic, especially for the young.
As Coronavirus Hits Vatican Revenue, Pope Cuts Pay for High-Ranking Clerics
The Vatican has been hit hard by the economic impact of the pandemic, prompting Francis to impose pay cuts on cardinals and others so lower-ranking employees can keep their jobs.
Vatican Says Priests Can’t Bless Same-Sex Unions
The judgment was issued in response to questions from some pastors and parishes that sought to be more welcoming and inclusive of gay couples.