Canada is losing its permafrost to climate change. The Indigenous residents of Tuktoyaktuk know they’ll have to move but don’t agree on when.
Tag: vis-photo
Smog in Pakistan Smothers Lahore, Breaking a Vibrant City’s Rhythms
Lahore comes alive at night. But this year’s record onslaught of cold-weather smog — residents call it the “fifth season” — has broken its rhythms.
Is a ‘Green’ Revolution Poisoning India’s Capital?
India promised to burn its trash mountains and safely turn them into electricity. But a New York Times investigation found hazardous levels of toxic substances around homes, playgrounds and schools.
Spain Flash Floods: Scenes From the Deluge
Flash flooding across Spain killed more than 150 people after torrential rain left towns and villages submerged and turned streets into rivers.
The U.S. Army Prepares for War With China: New Vehicles, Face Paint and a 1,200-Foot Fall
The big and cumbersome Army is trying to transform itself to deploy quickly to Asia, if needed. It is an inherently dangerous business.
How Years of Government Failure Led to Nigeria’s Worst Flood in Decades
After a recent dam disaster, Nigerian officials blamed God, climate change and poor people. But experts had warned the dam was at risk well before it collapsed. The officials did nothing.
The Other War for These Gazans Is Against Cancer
The small number of cancer patients from Gaza who are receiving care in Jordan’s capital, Amman, bear burdens beyond those of illness — deep feelings of guilt, along with fear and homesickness.
Stuffed Into Trucks, 78 Thai Protesters Died. Their Killers Are Still Free.
Twenty years ago, a massacre in southern Thailand fueled an insurgency that has never stopped. If no one is prosecuted for it by Friday, no one ever will be.
How a TV Hit Sparked Debate About Birthrates in Africa
The Sani family in northern Nigeria has six children, more than the parents can afford but fewer than their own parents had. Birthrates, and the decisions couples make about family size, are changing across Africa.