Mr. Ford, the executive chairman of Ford Motor, said nonunion automakers would make gains against Michigan automakers because of strikes by the United Automobile Workers union.
Tag: Wages and Salaries
‘Only God Can Thank You’: Female Health Workers Fight to Be Paid
Community health workers put in long hours to protect people in developing countries from diseases such as malaria, Covid-19 and H.I.V. But most are compensated minimally, or not paid at all.
Spain’s Female Soccer Players Call Off Wage Dispute Strike
The breakthrough in the labor dispute, which has delayed the start of the season and has added to a turbulent period in Spanish soccer, was an agreement over minimum pay.
Spain’s Female Soccer Players Strike Over Wage Dispute
The season was scheduled to begin on Friday, but the players refused to play after talks with the league brought no agreement. The dispute comes amid a debate over sexism and soccer in Spain.
As Sunak Makes His Case to Britons, the Economy Could Undermine It
Britain’s Conservative government faces a morass of problems, some new, others longstanding, that are stymying Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.
A National Treasure, Tarnished: Can Britain Fix Its Health Service?
As it turns 75, the N.H.S., a proud symbol of Britain’s welfare state, is in the deepest crisis of its history.
How Elba Makes a Living Wage
We’re covering a hotel strike in Los Angeles, extreme heat and an Alzheimer’s drug.
Greek Youths, Shaped by Debt Crisis, Plan to Vote for Stability
Many children of Greece’s traumatic years of economic collapse have opted for pragmatism over radicalism and say they will back a conservative on Sunday.
The Racial Wage Gap Is Shrinking
Though still enormous, the gap has shrunk over the past five years.
In Thailand, Defamation Lawsuits Can Make Free Speech Costly
In Thailand, companies and people in positions of power often use libel suits to intimidate and punish activists and critics.