The sperm whale washed up on a Scottish beach with a stomach full of rope, netting and plastic. “What was unusual in this case was the sheer volume,” a local expert said.
Tag: Whales and Whaling
In the South Pacific, a Humpback Whale Karaoke Lounge
Male humpbacks sing songs that are distinctive to their breeding grounds. A gathering spot 700 miles from New Zealand may explain why the songs evolve from year to year.
Japan Resumes Commercial Whaling. But Is There an Appetite for It?
Sliding demand and rising costs could jeopardize commercial whaling in Japan, which restarted Monday after a hiatus of more than 30 years.
Russia to Release First Whales Held in ‘Jail’ for Months
After intervention by President Vladimir V. Putin, nearly 100 orcas and belugas will be released where they were caught with the intention of being sold to theme parks.
At War: Why Whales and Dolphins Join the Navy, in Russia and the U.S.
A former Navy officer who is now a New York Times reporter explains how the American military trains marine mammals for underwater operations.
Russia Says It Will Try to Free Almost 100 Whales Held in ‘Jail’
Russian officials brought in two famous ocean experts, Jean-Michel Cousteau and Charles Vinick, to help determine how to release the young mammals.
Whale Is Found Dead in Italy With 48 Pounds of Plastic in Its Stomach
The pregnant animal, which washed ashore in Sardinia, was the latest in a grim international collection of whale carcasses burdened by plastic trash.
Trilobites: An Elusive Whale Is Found All Around the World
Researchers are learning about a newly identified species of baleen whales, tracing sightings and sounds to learn that they stay mainly in tropical waters.
Dead Whale Found With 88 Pounds of Plastic Inside Body in the Philippines
The whale’s grisly death renewed focus on the problem of plastics ending up in oceans. The Philippines is the third-biggest contributor of such waste.
Japanese Ferry Is Said to Collide With Whale, Injuring 80
Six people were seriously injured when the ship ran into a “marine animal,” the company said.