More than 1,000 doctors, and an untold number of medical personnel, have died after coronavirus infections. Many suffer an emotional toll as they make tough decisions about who gets treated.
Tag: Workplace Hazards and Violations
Covid Pandemic Demands Air Quality Changes in the Workplace, Researchers Say
The researchers issued a call to action to improve indoor air quality as a safeguard against the spread of contagions like the coronavirus.
U.S. Asks Mexico to Investigate Labor Issues at G.M. Facility
The administration learned of what appeared to be “serious violations” of labor rights, it said, and used a new tool in the North American trade deal to seek a review.
Mexican Factories Accused of Labor Abuses, Testing U.S.M.C.A.
The A.F.L.-C.I.O. and other groups are seeking to make use of a new enforcement mechanism in the updated North American trade deal.
Her Boss Sent Harassing Texts. So She Beat Him With a Mop.
A government worker in China became an internet sensation after a video emerged of her striking back at a boss she had accused of harassment.
Likely Legal, ‘Vaccine Passports’ Emerge as the Next Coronavirus Divide
Businesses and universities want fast, easy ways to see if students and customers are vaccinated, but conservative politicians have turned “vaccine passports” into a cultural flash point.
Is the Fight Against Sexism in Australia’s Politics Different This Time?
Six weeks after Brittany Higgins spoke up with her allegation of rape in the defense minister’s office, some things have changed and some things have not.
Italy Pushes Back as Health Care Workers Shun Covid Vaccines
Prime Minister Mario Draghi issued a decree requiring that workers in health care facilities be vaccinated, a move that will test the legal limits of his government’s efforts to stem coronavirus outbreaks.
A List of Recent Mass Shootings in the United States
In the last five years, there have been at least 29 shootings with four or more fatalities, according to a database compiled by the Violence Project.
Only About 22 States Give Postal Workers Vaccine Access
The agency has been under extraordinary stress in the pandemic, and thousands of its workers across the country have contracted the coronavirus. More than 150 have died.