The design will start circulating on June 23, the birthday of the mathematician whose work cracking German codes is credited with helping to shorten World War II.
Tag: World War II (1939-45)
Salvaged From 1941 Shipwreck, Letters Reveal Wartime Love and Sacrifice
For over 70 years, the letters lay undisturbed in the wreckage of the S.S. Gairsoppa, sheltered from the ravages of ocean currents by well-positioned mail bags. Now, conservators are piecing together these undelivered messages from the past.
Harvard Professor’s ‘Comfort Women’ Claims Stir Wake-up Call
The professor was widely criticized for writing that the women served Japanese troops willingly during World War II. A Korean survivor called the uproar a “blessing in disguise.”
Former Nazi Camp Guard Who Lived in Tennessee Is Deported by U.S.
The deportation of Friedrich Karl Berger capped what could be the last prosecution by the U.S. government of collaborators in Nazi war crimes.
Why Germany Prosecutes the Aged for Nazi Roles It Long Ignored
Since German courts expanded the definition of who was guilty of Holocaust atrocities, several people over 90 have been charged.
A Massacre in a Forest Becomes a Test of Poland’s Pushback on Wartime Blame
Two researchers are on trial for writing that a Polish mayor was complicit in a massacre. Critics say the government is trying to emphasize Polish suffering in World War II and downplay complicity in Nazi crimes.
How a Historian Got Close, Maybe Too Close, to a Nazi Thief
Over nearly a decade, Jonathan Petropoulos met dozens of times with a man who helped the Nazis loot Jewish art collections, a complicated relationship he explores in “Göring’s Man in Paris.”
Helga Weyhe, Germany’s Oldest Bookseller, Dies at 98
She died above the bookstore, founded in 1840, where she had worked since the waning months of World War II. She locked it up for the last time in December.
South Korean Court Orders Japan to Pay Compensation for Wartime Sexual Slavery
The ruling, which the Japanese government rejected, is likely to aggravate already chilly relations between the two key allies of the United States.
A Beloved World War II Photo Comes to Life in a Virtual Reunion
Martin Adler, now 96, was looking for German troops in 1944 when he almost shot three Italian children. His daughter’s internet appeal brought them all together again this month.