Also, another earthquake strikes Turkey and Syria.
Tag: Xi Jinping
In Biden’s Unannounced Visit to Kyiv, a Preview of an Increasingly Direct Contest With Putin
The vastly different world views of President Biden and President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia will become vividly apparent in a rare split-screen moment on Tuesday.
U.S. and China Vie in Hazy Zone Where Balloons, U.F.O.s and Missiles Fly
American officials are worried China is far along in developing military technology that operates in the unregulated high-altitude zone of “near space.”
Behind the Balloon Is China’s Push for Business to Serve the Military
The Chinese government has tried to meld its military and civilian innovation, prompting a backlash from the United States.
China Tries to Depict Furor Over Spy Balloon as Sign of U.S. Decline
Ignoring charges of spying, Beijing says Washington’s “overreaction” is a symptom of the country’s broken politics.
How China’s ‘Gateway to Europe’ Began to Narrow
The Czech Republic, which once courted Beijing in the hope of attracting investment, has soured on China, as have many other countries in Central and Eastern Europe, partly over the war in Ukraine.
‘Not Just a Silly Balloon’: Dismay and Fear Over Another U.S.-China Clash
A big white orb has pushed the rival superpowers back to diplomatic distance, showing that peace may be frighteningly fragile.
Chinese Balloon Had Tools to Collect Electronic Communications, U.S. Says
China’s surveillance balloons have flown over more than 40 countries and are directed by the Chinese military, the State Department said. The F.B.I. is studying debris.
What China’s Military Balloons Show About Its Spying Ambitions
Chinese military scientists have been looking for ways to make them more durable, harder to detect and even to serve as platforms that fire advanced weapons.
China’s Bid to Improve Food Production? Giant Towers of Pigs.
High-rise hog farms have sprung up nationwide as part of Beijing’s drive to enhance its agricultural competitiveness and reduce its dependence on imports.