A wave of misleading revisionism has become epidemic in both autocracies and democracies. It has been notably effective — and contagious.
Tag: Xi Jinping
As Beijing Takes Control, Chinese Tech Companies Lose Jobs and Hope
The crackdown is killing the entrepreneurial drive that made China a tech power and destroying jobs that used to attract the country’s brightest.
Can a ‘Very Confident’ Carrie Lam Salvage Her Legacy in Hong Kong?
Mrs. Lam is Hong Kong’s most unpopular leader ever, blamed for mass protests and a political crackdown. Yet she now appears reinvigorated, perhaps even ready for a second term.
Putin and Xi Hold Video Summit
President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia and President Xi Jinping of China, meeting in a video summit, sought mutual support in their conflicts with the West but have not yet declared a formal alliance.
U.S. Will Not Send Government Officials to Beijing Olympics
American athletes will still be able to compete in the Winter Games, but the diplomatic boycott is a slap at China for human rights abuses in Xinjiang.
China’s Silence on Peng Shuai Shows Limits of Beijing’s Propaganda
Officials have struggled to respond to a sexual assault allegation that hits at the heights of its buttoned-up political system.
As China Speeds Up Nuclear Arms Race, the U.S. Wants to Talk
The Pentagon thinks Beijing may build 1,000 or more weapons by 2030. But it’s the new technologies that worry strategists.
The W.H.O. Skips Forward Two Greek Letters, Avoiding a Xi Variant
Under the World Health Organization’s system, the Omicron variant might have been called Nu or Xi, but only at the risk of ambiguity or diplomatic awkwardness.
China and U.S. Quietly Released Captive Citizens Before Summit
The moves seemed aimed at untangling diplomatic knots as the two countries are clashing over human rights abuses, economic policies and much more.
U.S.-China Relations: What to Know
The Biden administration has called managing America’s relationship with Beijing “the biggest geopolitical test of the 21st century.”