Thousands of civilians have died in Yemen, and American-made bombs sold to the Saudis have played a key role as the White House has sought to boost the arms industry.
Tag: Yemen
Raytheon Finds Ally in Trump Aide: Selling the Bombs Killing Civilians in Yemen
President Trump sees arms deals as jobs generators for firms like Raytheon, which has made billions in sales to the Saudi coalition. The Obama administration initially backed the Saudis too, but later regretted it as thousands died.
U.S. Military Killed 132 Civilians in Wars Last Year, Pentagon Says
The tally has changed little since the previous year’s report, which put the total at 120 civilians killed. Civilian deaths in Afghanistan again eclipsed those in Syria and Iraq.
As Fighting Surges, Yemen Is Hit With 1st Cluster of Covid-19 Infections
A handful of coronavirus cases in Aden appeared to confirm fears that the virus has been spreading, stoking concerns of an outbreak that could quickly overwhelm Yemen’s devastated health system.
War Within War: As Saudi Prince Edges Away from Yemen, His Allies Feud
A declaration of self-rule by Yemeni separatists has complicated Saudi efforts to withdraw from the war.
No Respite in Yemen War a Week After Saudi Cease-Fire Announced
Yemen’s warring parties have not stopped attacks, United Nations officials said, adding that aid money is running out even as the coronavirus emerges in what is the Arab world’s poorest country.
Yemen Cease-Fire Is, at Best, First Step on Long Road to Peace
The country’s warring parties have proposed ways to end a devastating war, but yawning gaps remain and making progress will be tricky.
Saudi Arabia Declares Cease-Fire in Yemen, Citing Fears of Coronavirus
If it sticks, the cease-fire would be the first nationwide truce in five years of war in Yemen.
U.S. Cuts Health Care Aid to Yemen Despite Worries About Coronavirus
The Trump administration cited interference by Houthi rebels. But humanitarian groups and some Democrats asked for a delay because of the pandemic.
New Iranian Missiles Pose Threat to U.S. Aircraft in Yemen, Pentagon Says
The U.S. Navy discovered a new type of antiaircraft missile after seizing two shipments in the Arabian Sea.