More than 20 of the birds, which are critically endangered, have died in recent months.
Tag: your-feed-animals
Meet the Roving Veterinarians Caring for Mexico’s Rural Horses
Horses, donkeys and mules can be a lifeline for families living in the countryside, but there haven’t always been vets around to treat them.
From Alpacas to Yaks, Mammal DNA Yields Its Secrets
The genomes of monkeys, bats, whales and many other mammals are helping scientists tackle big questions about physiology, evolution and one very famous sled dog.
Scientists Investigate a Bird Flu Outbreak in Seals
Wild birds passed the virus to seals in New England at least twice last summer, a new study suggests.
Is There an Ethical Way to Kill Rats?
Welcome to the rat trapper’s dilemma.
What Drove the Creation of Working Dog Breeds?
Genetic variants associated with brain development help distinguish breeds designed for different physical tasks, a new study reports.
The Animal Translators
Scientists are using machine learning to eavesdrop on naked mole rats, fruit bats, crows and whales — and to communicate back.
Spiders Are Caught in a Global Web of Misinformation
Researchers looked at thousands of spider news stories to study how sensationalized information spreads. Their findings could be broadly applicable.
All Hooting Aside: Did a Vocal Evolution Give Rise to Language?
The loss of certain muscles in the human larynx may have helped give our species a voice, a new study suggests.
The Mysterious Dance of the Cricket Embryos
A team of biologists and mathematicians studied hours of video to learn how insects take shape in the egg. The secret is geometry.