The technique, called a human challenge trial, has been used to evaluate other vaccines.
Tag: your-feed-healthcare
Public Health Experts Reject President’s View of Fading Pandemic
Contrary to President Trump’s recent comments, specialists say, recent increases are real, and the virus is like a “forest fire” that will burn as long as there is fuel.
FDA Revokes Emergency Coronavirus Use of Malaria Drugs
The agency said that a review of some studies showed that the drugs’ potential benefits in treating Covid-19 did not outweigh the risks.
New Study Finds Hydroxychloroquine Did Not Prevent Covid-19
The first carefully controlled trial of hydroxychloroquine given to people exposed to the coronavirus did not show any benefit.
Moderna Vaccine Trial: How Upbeat Coronavirus News Fueled a Stock Surge
The desperate hunt for treatments and vaccines has changed how researchers, regulators, drug companies like Moderna, investors and journalists do their jobs.
Malaria Drug Taken by Trump Is Tied to Increased Risk of Heart Problems and Death in New Study
The drugs did not help coronavirus patients, and should not be used outside clinical trials, researchers said.
$1.2 Billion From U.S. to Drugmaker to Pursue Coronavirus Vaccine
The Trump administration announced a grant to AstraZeneca, which has licensed a potential vaccine that is in trials by Oxford University.
New Inflammatory Condition in Children Probably Linked to Coronavirus, Study Finds
Researchers compared 10 cases in Italy with previous cases of a similar childhood illness, Kawasaki disease. The rate of the new cases was much higher, and the conditions were more serious.
Two Cats Are First U.S. Pets to Test Positive for Coronavirus
The animals appear to have mild symptoms and likely caught the virus from their owners. And there’s no evidence pets can pass it to humans.
An Overlooked, Possibly Fatal Coronavirus Crisis: A Dire Need for Kidney Dialysis
Ventilators aren’t the only machines in intensive care units that are in short supply. Doctors have been confronting an unexpected rise in patients with failing kidneys.