Fossils from La Brea Tar Pits in Southern California suggest that sabertooth cats and other large North American mammals disappeared as a result of wildfires spurred by human activity.
Tag: your-feed-science
Muon Discovery Moves Physicists One Step Closer to a Theoretical Showdown
The deviance of a tiny particle called the muon might prove that one of the most well-tested theories in physics is incomplete.
As Weather Threats Loom, Even Chimps Learn to Shelter in Place
How do you teach 300 chimpanzees to seek safety in a storm? With cowbells, sound machines and a bright orange Frisbee.
New Antarctic Starfish Are Doting Parents and Vicious Predators
A close examination of a collection of starfish in the Smithsonian revealed even more starfish inside those starfish.
Amid Signs of a Covid Uptick, Researchers Brace for the ‘New Normal’
Infections remain very low, despite signs of a slight increase. Now, experts are looking for clues to what living with the coronavirus will be like this winter and beyond.
Amid Signs of a Covid Uptick, Researchers Brace for the ‘New Normal’
Infections remain very low, despite signs of a slight increase. Now, experts are looking for clues to what living with the coronavirus will be like this winter and beyond.
Move Over, Men: Women Were Hunters, Too
Anthropologists are finding that women in modern foraging societies have played a major role in catching game.
From an Ancient Soil Sample, Clues to An Ice Sheet’s Future
A rediscovered sample of frozen sediment, collected more than 50 years ago, highlights the vulnerability of Greenland’s ice sheet to a warming climate.
Fossils Where They Don’t Belong? Maybe We Just Didn’t Look Hard Enough.
Researchers are fiercely debating whether claims about the origins of mammals result from a bias toward Northern Hemisphere fossil sites.
‘They’re Outsmarting Us’: Birds Build Nests from Anti-Bird Spikes
Strips of sharp metal pins are meant to keep birds away from buildings. Some birds are stealing them to build their nests.