In a new study, researchers describe a device that connects the intentions of a paralyzed patient to his physical movements.
Tag: your-feed-science
An African Country Faces Challenges to Protect Girls From HPV
Almost all cervical cancer deaths now occur in developing countries. Tanzania is trying to inoculate girls against the virus that causes the disease — nearly 20 years after rich countries began offering the shot.
What Number Comes Next? The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences Knows.
The “mathematical equivalent to the FBI’s voluminous fingerprint files” turns 50 this year, with 362,765 entries (and counting).
Bird Flu Vaccine Authorized for Emergency Use in California Condors
More than 20 of the birds, which are critically endangered, have died in recent months.
The Biggest Explosion in the Cosmos Just Keeps Going
For three years, telescopes have monitored “one of the most luminous” events ever: a supermassive black hole consuming a gigantic cloud of interstellar gas.
Meet the Roving Veterinarians Caring for Mexico’s Rural Horses
Horses, donkeys and mules can be a lifeline for families living in the countryside, but there haven’t always been vets around to treat them.
What It Takes to Be Top Dog Judge
For these canine experts, an invitation to pick the winners of the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show is an honor — and a serious responsibility.
W.H.O. Ends Covid World Health Emergency Designation
The decision has little practical effect but is a significant moment in the struggle against a virus that has killed millions and upended lives throughout the world.
W.H.O. Dismisses Covid Origins Investigator for Sexual Misconduct
Peter K. Ben Embarek led a contentious international investigation into the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic.
A.I. Is Getting Better at Mind-Reading
In a recent experiment, researchers used large language models to translate brain activity into words.