Rampaging infections at farms caused scandal, scientific head-scratching and a search for a vaccine — for mink.
Tag: your-feed-science
The Coronavirus Is Mutating. What Does That Mean for Us?
Officials in Britain and South Africa claim new variants are more easily transmitted. There’s a lot more to the story, scientists say.
One Wild Mink Near Utah Fur Farms Tests Positive for the Coronavirus
Infection seems to have come from farm animals, but there is no evidence of further spreading.
Here’s Why Vaccinated People Still Need to Wear a Mask
The new vaccines will probably prevent you from getting sick with Covid. No one knows yet whether they will keep you from spreading the virus to others — but that information is coming.
He Was a Stick, She Was a Leaf; Together They Made History
A surprise clutch of eggs has solved a century-old leaf insect mystery.
Should Isolation Periods Be Shorter for People With Covid-19?
Patients are usually most infectious two days before symptoms begin and for five days after, a new analysis finds.
Hawaii’s Fresh Water Leaks to the Ocean Through Underground Rivers
If the water could be pumped to the surface, it could help alleviate shortages on the island.
Confused About Masks? Here’s What Scientists Know
The accumulating research may be imperfect, and it’s still evolving, but the takeaway is simple. Right now, masks are necessary to slow the pandemic.
Wearing Masks to Prevent Coronavirus: Here’s What Scientists Know
The accumulating research may be imperfect, and it’s still evolving, but the takeaway is simple. Right now, masks are necessary to slow the pandemic.
Immunity to the Coronavirus May Last Years, New Data Hint
Blood samples from recovered patients suggest a powerful, long-lasting immune response, researchers reported.