One of the world’s most studied and preventable diseases is still a deadly and common threat in much of the world.
Tag: your-feed-science
A Better Way to Manage Your Period? Try the Menstrual Cup, Scientists Say
The reusable, bell-like devices unfold in the vagina to stanch menstrual flow. They are as effective as sanitary pads and tampons, according to a new analysis — and less expensive.
The 5G Health Hazard That Isn’t
How one scientist and his inaccurate chart led to unwarranted fears of wireless technology.
A Burning Lava Lake Concealed by a Volcano’s Glacial Ice
Persistent pools of lava are quite rare on Earth, and it took years of satellite images to find this one.
Why Did This Extinct Bird Have Such a Weird, Long Toe?
The Cretaceous Period flier, trapped in amber 99 million years ago, had features unlike any bird living today.
A Skull Bone Discovered in Greece May Alter the Story of Human Prehistory
The bone, found in a cave, is the oldest modern human fossil ever discovered in Europe. It hints that humans began leaving Africa far earlier than once thought.
Sarah Parcak Thinks We Need to Learn From the Fall of Egypt’s Old Kingdom
In a new book, the archaeologist makes the case that ancient history illuminates solutions to modern problems.
Could This Be the End of Frankincense?
As more uses are found for the aromatic resin, the population of trees that produce it are on the brink of collapse.
DNA Begins to Unlock Secrets of the Ancient Philistines
Genetic analysis of remains from ruins in Israel hints at the origins of the Levantine people described in the Hebrew Bible.
Wired Bacteria Form Nature’s Power Grid: ‘We Have an Electric Planet’
Electroactive bacteria were running current through “wires” long before humans learned the trick.