Overuse of the medicines is not just a problem in rich countries. Throughout the developing world antibiotics are dispensed with no prescription required.
Tag: your-feed-science
Trilobites: How Seals Took to the Seas
By comparing the bones of ancient and contemporary seals, researchers say a particular biting style helped the marine mammals’ landlubber ancestors move into the oceans.
This Tarantula Became a Scientific Celebrity. Was It Poached From the Wild?
Controversy over a new spider species has resurrected thorny ethical questions about scientists and their specimens.
Fossil Site Reveals Day That Meteor Hit Earth and, Maybe, Wiped Out Dinosaurs
A jumble of entombed plants and creatures offers a vivid glimpse of the apocalypse that all but ended life 66 million years ago.
Trilobites: How Mosquitoes Sniff Out Your Sweat
Scientists have isolated a receptor that helps the bloodthirsty insects find you.
Trilobites: Volcanoes! Lightning! And Radioactive Gas, Too
Studying radon’s role in the electrification of plumes above volcanoes could help people anticipate the damage resulting from eruptions, scientists say.
Matter: The Plague Killing Frogs Everywhere Is Far Worse Than Scientists Thought
As a threat to wildlife, an amphibian fungus has become “the most deadly pathogen known to science.”
Trilobites: An Elusive Whale Is Found All Around the World
Researchers are learning about a newly identified species of baleen whales, tracing sightings and sounds to learn that they stay mainly in tropical waters.
Ebola Epidemic in Congo Could Last Another Year, C.D.C. Director Warns
Returning from a trip to the Democratic Republic of Congo, the agency chief also worried that vaccine supplies could run out.
This Songbird Is Nearly Extinct in the Wild. An International Treaty Could Help Save It — but Won’t.
Over a quarter of the species threatened by commercial trade are not protected by Cites, the global agreement intended to save them.