Warming weather usually slows transmission of the virus, but it is not clear that this outbreak is fading, experts said.
Tag: your-feed-science
Your 5G Phone Won’t Hurt You. But Russia Wants You to Think Otherwise.
RT America, a network known for sowing disinformation, has a new alarm: the coming ‘5G Apocalypse.’
Trilobites: Seeking Life in Antarctica? Look for the Penguins’ Outhouse
The continent, a researcher said, is the “ideal experimental lab,” for studying how nutrients relate to an ecosystem’s biodiversity.
Ancient Rock Art in the Plains of India
Two amateur sleuths have uncovered a collection of mysterious rock carvings on the Indian coastal plain south of Mumbai.
Bengal Tigers May Not Survive Climate Change
The tigers of the Bangladesh Sundarbans may be gone in fifty years, according to a new study.
Matter: Denisovan Jawbone Discovered in a Cave in Tibet
Until now, fossils of the ancient human species had been found in just one Siberian cave. The discovery suggests that Denisovans roamed over much of Asia.
U.N. Issues Urgent Warning on the Growing Peril of Drug-Resistant Infections
A new report says the overuse of antimicrobial drugs in humans, animals and plants is fueling resistant pathogens that could kill 10 million people annually by 2050.
Global Health: Religious Objections to the Measles Vaccine? Get the Shots, Faith Leaders Say
Devout parents who are worried about vaccines often object to ingredients from pigs or fetuses. But the leaders of major faiths have examined these fears and still vigorously endorse vaccination.
Trilobites: An Emperor Penguin Colony in Antarctica Vanishes
A colony in Halley Bay lost more than 10,000 chicks in 2016 and hasn’t recovered. Some adults have relocated.
Trilobites: Look What the Cat Dragged In: Parasites
Researchers found that house cats that roam outdoors were more likely to pick up diseases than indoor cats.